When B and I went to register for our wedding back in 2008, we ran through Macy’s and Crate and Barrel like kids in a candy store. We were pointing and scanning and laughing and we had a good time. We just found out that registering for a baby shower is not all fun and games. Big decisions are to be made when registering for your little one. I want to share my baby registry starter list with you.
Who knew picking out the items that your baby will use every day could be so nerve-wracking. How do you decide which stroller? Which car seat? Which nipple cream? There are too many brands of the same item and too many opinions as to which brand is the best.
Before we spent two days in Babies R Us, Target, and online at Amazon, I collected suggestions from all of the Moms that I know. I made a list of the brands that sounded ideal, must-need items, and might-need items. Then I left my list at home. Both days we were to spend registering. I’d like to say that we managed without these lists, but that would be a lie. I left off more than a few important items, and registered for some not-so-important items. I also asked for two of the same thing… more than once.
1. Car Seat – Rumor around town is that you can’t even leave the hospital with the baby without an infant car seat already installed in your car. We registered for the Britax B-Safe Infant Car Seat.
2. Rock N Play Sleeper – Annabelle needs a place to hang out while Mommy cooks, cleans, and does other grown-up stuff. The Rock N Play is supposed to be one of the best rocking sleepers around.
3. Diapers – All babies go to the bathroom. A lot. Register for lots of diapers in different sizes because they are expensive! I don’t have a preference on brand yet, I just want something that gets the job done.
4. Diaper Bag – If you ever want to leave your house with baby in tow, you will need something to carry all of his/her accessories. I’ll post some of my favorite baby bags another day – but for now, I’m loving the Classic Mom Diaper Bag from Pottery Barn Kids.
5. Onesies – Everyone has told me that people will buy my baby clothes, even if we don’t register for them. I have the collection in my closet to prove it – and Annabelle isn’t even born yet! Onesies are an article of clothing all babies wear – and need to have multiples of in case of blowouts.
6. Stroller – If Annabelle is anything like her Momma, she is going to love to be walked around in her stroller. We registered for the Britax B-Ready Stroller because it is safe, adaptable, and our car seat fits right onto it. It also converts into a two seater for Baby 2 someday down the road…
7. Swaddle Wraps – Newborns need to be wrapped up like little burritos to feel safe and snug after they are born. I don’t know how to work these magical cloths yet, but I am sure B and I will learn all about it in our birthing classes.
I already mentioned that everyone has different opinions as to what are the essential items for a baby. These opinions become little voices in your head and they chirp at you when you’re walking through the store. I am learning it is all about preference and what YOU think is the most important stuff. I put together a little starter list for you based on the items that B and I thought Annabelle would need first.
Bethany says
I always get new mommies these following items (because most of the time they forget to register for them) and were must haves for us with Leah (we even registered for them with Hannah) because we will either need new ones or need them period:
1. Pacifier Wipes (love these things!!)
2. Gas Drops and Tylenol
3. Baby dish soap to wash pretty much everything involving feeding baby.
4. Baby detergent. Even if you buy some ahead of time, you will need more. lots of clothes washing!
5. Lots of pacis and extras. I’m not sure if you’ll do a paci right off the bat or not. But I can’t tell you how many of these we either lost or the dogs ate. And now with Hannah, all of Leah’s are bad or gone so we had to register for more.
Hope this helps!!!
Bethany says
I will agree with below about the gripe water. We could never figure out why Leah was getting so upset at the beginning and the gas drops were not working. We had heard about Colic Calm (its gripe water and all natural) and that stuff SAVED our lives!! It really helped ease her tummy, gas and everything else. We used that from about 3 weeks on until about 3 months. I just put the dosage in a nipple and she sucked it right out – just before her night time bottle.
Liz says
That rock n play sleeper is a life saver. LIFE SAVER. Also, gripe water. It is one of the best inventions ever and helps with those fussy, crabby, gassy, burpy little babies.
Blogger Ash says
Good luck! Annabelle is such a great name.
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Erin @ Keep Calm and Sparkle says
Waiiittt…..Did I miss the post announcing Annabelle’s name?? LOVE it, such a pretty name!!
I have been making my lists of items to register for as well…so stressful! I am hoping to go this weekend…if I can convince the hubs! He thinks it’s too early…Ummm shower invites go out in 3 weeks! Ha!
Hilary @ Young Texan Mama says
I’m not sure if you’re going to breastfeed or not, but I loved my Medela breast pump & their 100% cotton breast pads. And the Gerber pre-folded cloth diapers make amazing burp rags. They are super absorbent, which was a life saver for me because William spit-up a bunch. Hope this helps 🙂
Casey says
Great minds think alike! We registed for lots of similar things! We registered for the Britax travel system w/ the B-Safe carseat and B-Agile stroller in Sandstone, and the Rock N Play Sleeper from the My Little Lamb collection!
Kasey Sutgrey says
Good choices! I would suggest a sleep sack! They pricey in my opinion but they keep the baby at a perfect temperature.
Everyday Adventures says
Great choices! I would recommend the snug a bunny bouncer and swing, Grace is in them multiple times a day! Also aden and anais burp cloths, newborn clothes ( i didnt have much and at 3 weeks she is still in them!) Have fun registering:)
Allison Wenck says
Great list! I absolutely LOVED my Rock N Play sleeper and can’t wait to use it again in January with #2. I would also add a Halo sleepsack. Our hospital actually gave us one and it was amazing. Kept my baby girl nice and warm without using a bunch of blankets. We also used other swaddle blankets, but preferred the sleepsacks.
Kaylin says
According to my Sister in Law the rock ‘n play with SAVE your life!!!! Great choice 🙂
KatiePerk says
We couldn’t have survived without our swing. It took up a lot of space, but she loved it. Aden and Anais swaddle blankets were also a fave.
Kelly {Sparkles and Shoes} says
That monogramed diaper bag is amazing!
Sparkles and Shoes
Kirstie Semler says
Love the swing! It has been a life saver for us, it is my time to shower and eat when she is in the swing! ONe of my favorite gifts I recieved was a baby essentials pack. IT’s from target. It’s a zipper bag that has a thermometer, tooth brush, brush, comb, finger nail files, nail clippers medicine dropper and a couple other things. It has been awesome! Especially since you can’t clip their finger nails till they get a little stronger and you will have to keep up with their nails!
Hilary says
Thanks for this post! It makes me think I might need to start looking into registering, at just 14 weeks, just to decide on all the different things out there!!
Melanie Montgomery says
When it comes to diapers I recommend buying different brands to see what works best. My sister registered for and bought all Huggies, and we spend today returning them and swapping them out because her 4 week old leaks out of all them.
Sarah Elizabeth says
That rock and play sleeper is the bomb!