A lot of people say that bagels are unhealthy breakfast choices – high carbs, high cals, high fat… I say, “Psh, whatever!”
I am un/fortunately one of those people who can’t lose weight on a low carb diet. I’ve tried it – it doesn’t work – it only makes my stomach sick. It’s like I need carbs in my life for my tummy to work.
I <3 bagels. I could eat bagels all day every day. HOWEVER, since I left CT, I haven’t found any bagels that really get me excited. It’s rare to come across a place that makes their own bagels.
Dunkin Donuts used to do it for me, but the whole “it’s in the water” thing is true, and not all Dunkin Donuts are the same.
Then I found Ray’s New York Bagels in the frozen food section. “Frozen” bagels only sounds nasty. They taste like heaven. You don’t even have to thaw them out – just pop one right in the toaster oven, cook for 5 min, slice it, shmear on some cream cheese (or butter, or pb, whatever you prefer), and ENJOY!
Mr. Bear and I are in love with what’s in the orange box (we have Sesame) in our freezer right now. I have a feeling there is going to be a throwdown for the last one though…
**Note: I wrote this post on my own free will… Ray’s doesn’t even know I exist! However, Ray, if you are reading this, I wouldn’t mind some free bagels to promote your product =0)
LOL @ (Ray doesn’t even know you exist part)
I’ll have to try that! The asiago looks awesome!
yummm i haven’t had a bagel in forever 🙁
Hmmm…. I’ll have to try those. Do you have a Panera near you? I think their asiago cheese bagels are my favorite!
LIAR!!! I bet you do get free bagels – gimme some!
mmmm I love bagels! Where I worked in Erie they would have Casual Friday’s and bring in bagels. It was my favorite day of the week!!! mmmmm now i’m craving a bagel!
I have never heard of these. I may just have to find me some. I love bagels!!! My fave is everything bagels toasted with plain cream cheese and boysenberry jelly.
That sounds delicious?
Have you also tried Montreal Bagels? They are amazing!!!! I love them with strawberry cream cheese! yum
I love onion bagels…does Ray’s have those? I don’t think we have them where we live…too bad!
I love bagels, too! My solution to bagels making me fat are Thomas Everything Bagel Thins. I love them!