I was perusing Perez H’s website and came across this video of Jennifer Aniton on the Chelsea Lately show. I used to pretty much despise JA because Mr H had a picture of her on his computer background when we were juniors in college. She was laying in a bed in a t-shirt and…well…let’s just say her behind is so perfect it made me want to do lunges up and down Kingston Pike for a month. Did you see it in The Break Up? Yah. Perfect.
Anyways, Chelsea and Jennifer were hilarious together – especially when they bonded over their love of vodka. Jennifer looked as cute as ever …with her perfect hair, pretty smile, gorgeous dress, and AH-MA-ZING legs. Seriously. How does one get legs that look like that???!!! I am sure she was just born with them… lucky hoe. I’m gonna go do some lunges down the hallway…ttyl.
LauraAnn says
She has nice legs because she is paid to maintain a great physique. I always tell myself that I could look like some of those celebs if I had the best personal trainer to keep me fit, a slew of hair and make up artists to keep me looking perfect, etc. Then I feel a little better! And if that doesn’t help I start looking at the stars with no make up on makes me feel a lot better! Hehe!
sarah says
I think she is so gorgeous!
Ashley Paige says
i sort of want to BFF’s with both of them! I love them! And damn, I hope to God I look that good when I’m in my 40’s!! haha!
Ashley says
She does have amazing legs!! So does Carrie Underwood. Not fair, ha
Maria says
oh man. and can you say SHINE?! wow.
Ams says
Oh my… seriously – I thought the EXACT SAME THING! Those legs are SMOKIN’!!!!
the future mrs Hinz says
OMG i have ALWAYS loved her! in 8th i totally had the “rachel” do from friends! i so rocked it! haha – she is always so perfect. heart her!
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Anonymous says
Yes but is she happy NOOOOO brad stil left her Fantastic legs or not ..Remember that one Love Ya MOM
Tatiana says
Ok, first of all, I used to hate her for like 1/2 a second because one of my exes thought she was hot, but who am I kidding, the woman is HOT. She makes me want to live in a gym and drink those nasty green smoothies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But she is also an AWESOME woman and I really love her.
I just hoped on to your page from the blog that your engagement pictures were posted, and just wanted to say you two are gorgeous! Congrats on getting married!
*L* says
Wow, she really does look great! Makes me want to do lunges too π