On this fabulous Friday, you MUST go check out my last Yankee Challenge: Chicken n Dumplings. on The Hungry Southerner. If you don’t know what a Yankee Challenge is… read about it here.
PLEASE LEAVE ME COMMENTS. Comments = chance to win free t-shirts AND chances for Mrs. Bear to get paid for cooking and writing about it. Someday I will be rewarded… someday.
Anyways, I am going to be taking a break from the Yankee Challenges on The Hungry Souther and put my cooking skillz towards some personal Yankee recipes and healthy versions of Southern dishes. Now, for the record, no one will be taking my spot on The Hungry Southerner, for I shall always be the Yankee. It’s just that we are going to switch things up a bit and I am going to try to show them my other talents =0)
So… go check out my recipe and recap. Then leave me a comment. Show them you love me…er, I mean my cooking. And if you want my recipe, EMAIL ME! I will be more than happy to share it!
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