Today we received our first shower gift in the mail!!! Of course I didn’t open it until Mr. H and I were home together – but I am not going to lie… I was mad it wasn’t until 7:45pm and I picked it up from the office at 5!! We were gifted some beautiful wine glasses we registered for from Crate and Barrel (they have the BESTEST boxes by the way). I danced around the kitchen with one of my new “roommates” and then sadly put her back in her box so she wouldn’t get broken.
NOW…are you wondering why I called a silly little wine glass my roommate??
Well, I decided that all of our gifts are going to be our roomies. I had a revelation after I put the box next to my pile of ‘wedding stuff.’
Seriously think about it – from here on out until the wedding we are going to be receiving gifts. These gifts need somewhere to live. Whereas normal people have space in their current home for things like dishes and towels, we do NOT. We don’t even have room for the belongings we moved in with. Therefore, our presents will have to live among us, and we will have to live among them. Don’t get me wrong – I am SO grateful for my new friends – but there might be a few fights if I can’t move around like a normal person in here.
So what do you think? Mr. H doesn’t think my ‘roomie’ analogy is as funny as I do. When you started receiving gifts did you feel a little like you had some new company in your home??
2u says
nice information blog..
All the best..
christmas greetings
Jen says
Very cute analogy – Ours ended up being boxes that we got annoyed with unfortunately π So hopefully your naming convention works!
After the shower, we went through everything and consolidating boxes…putting stuff we wouldn’t use right away in boxes in the basement and opened up the stuff we would use right away π
SLJ says
I think it is a perfect analogy. Although we have the space, we did not put away many of our gifts because we are not quite sure how long we are going to be in the house we are in right now (we are renting and hoping to buy soon). Our presents actually have their own room, so much so that we say we have one guest room and one present room. We have gotten quite a few funny looks!
sarah says
This makes total sense to me!
Why wouldn’t they be your roomies? I have more than a few friends who found themselves in this same situation during the wedding process.
We haven’t even registered yet, but I know when we do we will probably be in the exact same situation…neither one of us has very much space!
Heather says
How exciting. My shower is this weekend and I can’t wait for all the new fun stuff!!
My gifts are def roommates, especially since our second bedroom is PACKED with wedding stuff/ gifts. ‘it’ has it’s own room now.