I am no stranger to long distance dating – my husband (bf at the time) and I actually dated long distance from April 2004 – August 2005. Then I transferred to his college and we would date long distance in the summers (until I officially moved South). We’ve spent days, weeks, and months apart due to our hometowns being 900+ miles from one another. There were plenty of holidays and important dates we never shared together and I got through it. So, I should be used to this whole long distance thing right?
Right after we moved in together in Atlanta for the first time – August 2008
WRONG. I am not used to this and I don’t want to do it anymore. B only left a little over two weeks ago and I can’t stand being alone anymore. Don’t get me wrong – I have some fantastic roomies! But, I am lonely. And I miss being around my husband. And I miss being able to find him right next to me after an unpleasant nightmare. Or being able to see him when I get home from work with good news. And hearing him slap the couch and yell when he watches sports. And cooking for him. I miss him. I know you’re all crying me a river right now, huh?
Engaged in August 2008
I will get to see him on Thursday. I am going to TN for a long weekend to see his family and attend the nuptials of some college pals. It should be an amazing weekend. And then I get to see him AGAIN the following weekend when he comes to DC to go to the Kenny Chesney concert with me and my roomies. But then we are apart until I get my stuff together and make the official move to Georgia. I haven’t picked a moving date yet, but it will be during the second week of June.
My handsome hubs in Oct 2009 at our wedding
I know there are plenty of gals who don’t see their husbands every day due to military service or business travel. My thought is (and don’t get mad at me for saying this) that they knew it could be possible they would be in those “long distance marriages.” Some people know what they are getting into for long term. I commend them for their strength, dedication, and loyalty. B and I planned to be together all the time – sans the random weekend trips apart for pleasure/business – when we got married. However, I never planned for a whole month apart!
Maui Honeymoon Oct 2009
On the bright side, B is doing something amazing. He left everything he had here to move to Georgia, sleep on his parents couch, and plan for our new life – getting a great job and finding us a house. I need to be happy and grateful that he is doing this for us! I need to remain strong during his job hunt and stay supportive. I need to be selfless and not selfish (which I have been lately). I need to suck it up and just hug my kitty when I wake up from a bad dream. I have to be thankful that I have such an incredible guy for a husband.
3 Year Wedding Anniversary Oct 2012
I will complain though – I will say it is hard that I miss my best friend and I can’t see him when I’ve had a bad day. I can’t wait to see you this weekend my good man. Good luck tonight and hopefully we will be celebrating some good news very soon! XOXOXO
Announcement: Just Because will move to THURSDAYS starting next week on May 23rd.
Also, we are also taking co-hosts! The sign-up sheet can be found here.
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LD relationships do suck! I remember my husband and I used to live 30 miles away from each other in the beginning. Different counties. It sucked royally! My job was in his town and his job was in my town (imagine that!!) but I eventually said screw it and after a year of dating I moved into his house!
I just signed up to co host this!
I can promise you even if we know what we are getting into, being in a relationship with someone in the military, going to bed every night not knowing if they are coming home alive from Iraq/Afghanistan for a whole year is the worst feeling in the world and not even remotely easy. And I agree, I don’t think it’s possible to get used to a long distance relationship- they suck.
I hear ya — I feel TERRIBLE sometimes when I complain about JM’s long bouts of work travel because it’s not military service which is (A) unbelievably honorable and important (B) much longer spans of travel (C) to inherently dangerous places.
…. but I still pout and still miss my man and still want him home.
I feel you. Just think – years from now, you’ll be sitting in the beautiful house you two make a home thinking, “That was all worth it and seemed like no time at all.)
As a military wife I can tell you it never gets easy. No matter how many trips are taken, you never fully get used to not seeing your other half on a daily basis. It’s hard for anyone whether it’s 2 days or 2 months, military or not. We know, but we are not prepared. Hang in there chica 🙂
Long distance relationships are extremely hard. Brandon and I had to experience it while he was playing ball and we always looked forward to our next visit. It was always hard leaving him and as soon as I got back from one trip, I booked my next trip for the upcoming month. I ALWAYS counted down the days. Now, I look back and we’ve come sooo far since then. Now…we are married….with T-W-I-N-S!!! He’s no longer playing baseball {which I’ll always miss} but I get to see him every single day and wake up to him every morning. It’s what I’ve always wanted and God has blessed us tremendously.
Keep your chin up!! You’ll be in your man’s arms before you know it. It’ll make your relationship stronger and ya’ll are gonna be sooo happy to see each other. When you get sad, just think how happy you’ll be to see him. Start counting the days!! It won’t be long.
I think you have every right to say it sucks because a month apart really would suck! Here’s hoping the rest of that time will rush by!!!
Long distance sucks. It’s okay to acknowledge that! You know it won’t be forever, but it’s enough for things to be hard. Hang in there.
Brandon travels for work once in a while. It definitely sucks, but it makes you appreciate your spouse even more. 🙂
I’m sorry you have to be away from hubby for so long! I am a military wife and even though I think deployments are a different kind of hard (expected or not) it doesn’t invalidate that regardless of how long or what reason your hubs is gone it sucks! Hope the time goes by fast for you!
I’m sorry you have to be away from hubby for so long! I am a military wife and even though I think deployments are a different kind of hard (expected or not) it doesn’t invalidate that regardless of how long or what reason your hubs is gone it sucks! Hope the time goes by fast for you!
I am so sorry! Being away from your husband is so hard! I hope it goes by fast!
B and I were in a LDR for 2 years and it was miserable. I think now that we have been together (like in the same city, together) for so long, it would make a long-term separation that much worse. Even when he’s gone for more than a couple days I don’t sleep very well and I worry about him more. I totally feel your pain. Thank goodness you have a light at the end of the tunnel. And your reunions will be that much better because of the time apart!