I am back in school today, for the first time in what seems like forever. I have been out since Tuesday afternoon with the plague. I am actually still pretty sick, but I had to go back in before the weekend. Plus, there is a hurricane on the way and I thought it was best if I had my lesson planning supplies at home – just in case I ended up stuck there for a few days.
Being that I have been ill all week, my favorites will be “sick” themed.
Here it goes:
I have been living on this stuff…Orange Gatorade is definitely my drink of choice when I am not feeling well. Not only does it keep me hydrated, but it also has electrolytes, which seem to disappear when I’m sick. When that happens, I get dizzy and my heart races. Good times.
I am sort of obsessed with this show. I had never watched Heroes until this week, and now I am halfway through Season 3. It is pretty awesome, and addictive.
This stuff takes like crap, but it sure beats coughing for 5 minutes straight. This stuff has also been known to make me think I am one of the characters on Heroes and that I have special powers. I caught myself talking to Mcmuffin about it… then I promptly passed out for 3 hours.
Candy Corn Pumpkins are delicious. They are not really part my plan to get healthy, but they sure do take the taste of cough syrup out of your mouth.
Ramen makes me think of college. And it is the only thing I feel like I eating. Actually, it is really the only thing I have eaten, aside from the candy corn, a banana, and a piece of toast in the past three days.
And now I am linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for her Friday’s Letters linky party. Make sure you check her out – she is a gorgeous and talented photographer with a fantastic blog!
Dear Blog Girls,
I am not going to mention your names, because I don’t want to directly insult you. However, I have to write this letter because I have been driving myself mad looking at your blogs and thinking of things I wish I could say in your comment section. 1. I am obsessed with your style and clothing. 2. HOW DO YOU AFFORD IT ALL? I really wish you would post a disclaimer as to how you can buy a stack of $500/a piece sweaters or $1000 boots just because. One of you doesn’t have a job, and the other one, well, I just don’t know how you do it. Parents, perhaps? I don’t know. I hate being a jealous judy. But I am. I also have to say… both of you have terribly frizzy hair and that is the only things that I am not jealous of. Love, Bitter Betsy
Dear Cough, Please go away. You are scaring Mr. Bear and Mcmuffin. Neither of them will come near me anymore. Plus, the stuff you bring up into my mouth – asgusting. Go infect someone else.
Dear Candy Corn Pumpkins, I love you.
REBrown says
Codeine cough syrup is pretty nasty! Hope you are feeling better.
Mrs. Newlywed Giggles says
I am in the same boat. I feel like total poo. Hope we both get better soon!!! And we are always preparing this tropical storm that is going to blast jersey right where I live. ugh.
Ally Drees says
I totally agree with the single girls who afford insane $$ amounts of clothing. HOW?
Amanda Leigh says
Bahaha that Dear Blog girls made me laugh. I know how you feel. A few blogs like thatr are SAHMs and I just want to send an email and say… SO how much does your husband make (ie how much would MY husband have to make) to afford such beautiful things “just because”.
LWLH says
Hope you feel better love! π
Recently Roached says
I’m sorry you’re sick. Vegging in front of the TV stuffing my face with candy pumpkins always works for me! π
Those blog girls need to get a life, ya? I’m with ya Bitter Betsy.
brown eyed girl says
AMEN. I don’t understand how the eff people afford half the shit they have. Especially if they’re a one-income household and they have children. DO NOT COMPREHEND.
Hope you feel better!
A. says
PREACH! I have to assume that those fashion blog girls are either in massive debt, are funded by their parents/husbands, or get everything for free. If you are Bitter Betsy than I am Hater Helen.