one. Solution [Photographie]
My number one favorite this week is Solution [Photographie]. One of the new Mommy friends that I made this year in Georgia just so happens to be an amazing photographer. After she did a mini session for Annabelle in April, I knew we had to have 6 month photos taken by her! Last night she posted some photos from our shoot on her Facebook page and I could not stop looking at them over and over again. If you live in North Georgia, you must check her out!
two. entryway benches
One of the things I loved most about my house when I first saw it was the built in bench by the garage entryway. It is made of beautiful dark wood, has three lovely double cabinets, and its BIG. I had big plans to cover it with fun cushions and install hooks above it. Problem is, it’s almost been a year since we moved in and we’ve done nothing with it! B and I have decided the time has come to spruce up our entryway and I am loving the stuff I’ve found on Pinterest. You can follow me here!
three. #100happydays
Day 2 of #100HappyDays – Someone is trying to crawl!
After seeing #100happydays on Instagram, I felt the need to jump on the bandwagon. Every day, for 100 days, you post a photo of something that makes you happy. Usually I am terrible at keeping up with things like this, but after reflecting on life this week, I decided it is a challenge I want to take!
four. OITNB 2
I just finished Orange Is The New Black Season 2 and want to talk to someone about it! I refuse to be one of those people who ruins shows for others, so I won’t say anything about it… other than I loved it and laughed a lot. Did you know season 3 won’t be out until July 2015!?!
five. this girl
Yup, Annabelle is number five this week. OBVIOUSLY she is always my number one, but I don’t want to make my Friday Fives all about her. But this week she is on the list. She started babbling again and her voice is the. best. I want her to say “ba ba da da” all day long. She’s 27 weeks today and more awesome than ever.
Samantha says
Can I love everything about this post!!? Love those pictures and love that bench and duh love A π
Caitlin says
Hahahaha yes you can love it all!
Chesson says
Her 6 month pictures are precious!
Caitlin says
Thank you!
Carolyn says
OMG! That picture!! HAHA You can totally tell that Annabelle is a HAM! π I’m watching season 2 of OITNB right now… so good!
Caitlin says
She is such a ham! Every time she sees the camera! Do you love OITNB??!!
Lisa @ Two Martinis says
July 2015?! How will I wait that long for Season 3?! I can’t do it, I just can’t.
Caitlin says
Agreed. That is just TOO far away.