As of today, we have had four ultrasounds. Each ultrasound has shown that Baby A is healthy – but the due dates have not aligned with the date calculated by my Maryland doctor. MD Dr. used the first day of my last menstrual cycle. While this can be accurate for some women, it is not for all. If you are irregular, or your last period was different, then that date really holds no significance. Remember? Pregnancy is not the same for everyone! It is important that you know your due date my friends so you can track your baby’s growth and development.
MD Dr. said Baby A would be due on December 6th. The first two ultrasounds I had at “5 weeks” and “10 weeks” showed she would be due December 12th. The latest ultrasounds have a different date…
Due Date Dilemma
With that being said, I am not almost 24 weeks pregnant on Friday…
I am almost 22 weeks pregnant on Wednesday!
If you live in the Baltimore area and need an ob-gyn, I’d love to email you the name of someone you should AVOID. It is her fault that B and I have been walking around on egg shells thinking there could be something wrong with Baby A.
Amy Addison says
I’m so glad you got it sorted out!
Crumbs and Curls says
I’m so happy you have gotten everything figured out! Bad doctors are seriously the worst. Congrats!!
Beth K. says
goodness, what a roller coaster! sounds like y’all have a little bit of clarity now though 🙂 sending happy thoughts baby a’s way!
Hilary says
Oh no!! So sorry you had to deal with all of that. We had a toss up, too – with a possible one week difference, but thankfully our doctor nailed it down by Baby Mac’s size at 10 weeks. Glad you finally have an answer, though!
Chelsea Phelps says
Gosh, that must have been so frustrating! So glad you have it figured out and baby girl is healthy!
Oh good gracious! Well that definitely makes more sense! I’m glad you were able to find someone who knows what the heck they’re doing! I am going to hope that baby bear comes 6 days early and is born on my birthday! 🙂
Erin @ Keep Calm and Sparkle says
Yay!!!!!!! So glad you guys can relax now!! That makes us a week apart!!
Carolyn says
OH MAN! Thank goodness you finally got this all figured out!!!!!
Katie says
Oh goodness!! I’m glad you finally got it figured out. There is nothing worse than to going to somebody that you don’t feel like knows what’s going on!
Meghan Breusch says
I’m so glad that you got that all figured out. With my daughter I was due 2 weeks past my cycle date based on the ultrasound and then she made her arrival a week after that. I’m really surprised that she just strictly went off of the cycle date and not the ultrasound. I’m glad you have a set date now.
Kenya says
Glad you have figured out your due date!
Camille says
I’m so happy you guys were finally able to figure it out. All that matters is that you and baby are healthy!
megs7827 says
I’m so sorry you had a bad experience and worried about your little one. That’s tough. So important to know the date because imagine if they went with the first date and said you were over due and induced you when you weren’t!
Jackie says
So glad you have a real date AND that you have found a doctor that you are happy to be working with. It’s unfortunate that the MD doctor didn’t get it. My friend recently had the same issue-baby was measuring too big for the weeks and she said that she NEVER has a regular schedule so calculating by her LMP is inaccurate.
Nichole Gaertner says
🙂 Does it make you excited to know that you are so tiny because you were two weeks off? Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!
Blogger Ash says
So glad you know. Congratulations again!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Patricia says
So glad you got that figured out! How stressful! I’ve been reading along, hoping you’d find out soon! Now you’re having a baby right before Christmas. Sounds like an excellent present to me 🙂
Hilary @ Young Texan Mama says
Glad to hear everything is alright 🙂
Megan says
Based on my last menstrual cycle I should have been 7 weeks pregnant at my first ultrasound and I was only 4! My little one is now almost a year old!
Rachel says
So glad that you all finally figured out the correct due date!! What a great Christmas present!!! 🙂 Hopefully any blog readers in MD will stay away from that OB/GYN!
Avery says
Glad you have your due date figured out now, take it easy and enjoy every minute now!
kimberly dyan says
Glad Baby A is healthy and that you finally got some piece of mind! You’ve been in my thoughts!
Tennsley says
So glad you have peace of mind with baby’s due date. As an expectant mother myself, I can’t imagine the stress you and your husband were under. Thank God for healthy babies and good doctors to give us accurate due dates!
~Tenns @ New Mama Diaries
Christy Garrett says
Due dates can be so confusing. 🙂 Good luck mama.