Today I’m sharing a letter to my daughter Annabelle. From 4 month milestones to your baby favorites, enjoy reading about our daughter at four months old.
Dear Annabelle
I have to apologize for writing your four month letter so late – but we have been quite the little traveling bug these days! You rode your first plane this month and did an outstanding job. All of the passengers complimented you on both flights for your good behavior and cute smile. We went on the plane to visit Mommy’s family and friends in Connecticut where you had a wonderful time! You were able to finally meet your Uncle Jesse and Aunt Christine, cousins Finn and Ian, plus numerous second cousins, Great Aunts and Uncles, and some of Mommy’s bestest friends. You had such a good time playing with Noni and Auntie Lizzie and Zia Tine, singing with Grandpy about the bunny, and listening to cousin Finn tell you about his bedroom. Uncle Jesse and Auntie Christine had so much fun making you laugh and you scared cousin Ian with your shrieks when you were overtired one evening. They all love you so much and can’t wait to see you when we go to Cape Cod. Everyone you met thought you were adorable, but a lot smaller than you seemed in pictures. That doesn’t go without saying that you are quite the TALL baby.
We went to the doctors this month and learned you’re 14 lbs 4 oz and 26 inches tall. Your weight puts you in the 60th percentile and your height puts you in the 97th percentile for your age. If you continue growing like you are, I think you might surpass your short Mama by the time you’re in middle school! No one is surprised by your long legs though since your Daddy is so tall. The doctor says that you are as healthy as can be and that you are pretty smart. You have great hand-eye coordination and are very observant of your surroundings. You are good at tracking moving objects – especially animals!
Four Months Old
This month you started noticing the kitties and puppies around you. Your Noni and Grampy’s dog Gwenny made you laugh, Coco and Pop’s pup JJ makes you grin oh-so-big, and our kitty Mcmuffin… well you love him, but he is still a little unsure of you. I think that over time he will learn to love you just as much as we do.
Your favorite games are Bouncin’ Baby and Rocket Ship with Daddy. You love your pink bunny with the binky attached and the musical Baby Einstein teether Great Aunt Jenn gave you. You’ve started sucking your pointer fingers when you don’t have your pacifier. You only like to be on your playmat for 15 minutes at a time and then you get bored of grabbing your toys. You still despise your swing and prefer to jump up and down or stand when you’re being held. You love holding your feet and recently have tried to get one of your toes in your mouth! I think it will happen soon so don’t get too frustrated!
Mornings and bath time are your favorite time of day. Nap time and bed time are your least favorite time of day. You seem to be too long for your Rock-n-Play, so we’ve been trying to have you take naps in your crib. You want to sleep on your belly though – which is scary for Mommy to let you do unsupervised – and you cry and cry until you’re allowed to lay on your stomach. At night, you want to sleep in our bed like a little spider monkey, snuggled by Mommy’s side with your arm and leg swung over my chest.
You are still wearing size 2 diapers, but have moved to almost all size 6 month clothing. You are starting to get annoyed with some of your hair bows, but don’t mind wearing a cute bonnet. You prefer to go sockless (so you can grab your feet!) and really like to hang out in your diaper when it is warm in the house. You like going for walks in the stroller – sometimes – and if I carry you facing forward, you enjoy being in the Baby Bjorn or Moby wrap. We try to get outside a few times a week now that the weather is nice, but we don’t want you to get sunburned!
Every day you make us smile, Annabelle. It is so much fun learning your personality, even seeing your temper flare, and watching you grow and develop so quickly. Mommy and Daddy love you more than there are stars in the sky and fish in the sea. Your belly laugh makes everything in the world seem right. You’re our Bellie Boo, Poots McGoots, sweet as pie Annabelle. Happy four month birthday Princess.
We love you to the moon and back,
Mommy and Daddy
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