We all need a tribe, a community of likeminded friends, to conquer inevitable feelings of loneliness in this big world. I’m thankful for the people who lift me up, empower me, and allow me to show my support in return.
How do you navigate through the difficult times in life? I think we all need a tribe of friends to help maneuver through the darkness and celebrate the light. Whether its motherhood, marriage, or a career, our journey is never easy. There’s always competition and negativity lurking in the shadows, so it’s important to have support from others.
In the last year I’ve cried more times than I can count as a result of a hard time in motherhood or my career. Through tearful sobs my tribe has held my hand and talked me out of crawling into bed for the day. Everyone’s journey is different and tough on so many levels, which can be the root of many competitive moments. But my friends never judge. Even if our trials and tribulations seem minuscule, every thing in this life has the power to hurt us in some way.
What is community over competition?
Community over competition is a phrase used to describe when likeminded people come together to cheer each other on in life. There are so many opportunities in life to be competitive, many of which should remain on the sports field. A community celebrates success, embraces failure, and builds self esteem. We all NEED a community to navigate the rollercoaster of life.
I’m fortunate enough to have multiple communities, or tribes, each comprised of people I love dearly. There are days when I can’t fathom being alone and even if my tribe isn’t standing nearby, their existence is enough to keep moving.
How My Blog Community Keeps Me Going
This week I received some news that not only bruised my ego, but also made me rethink the quality of my work. When it comes to my job, I put every ounce of what I have into both sponsored and personal content. But in this industry, not everyone is going to be pleased with the work you put forward.
Honestly, I was crushed for a few hours while trying to process everything. But thankfully, my community picked me right up and set me on my way with words of encouragement.
Competition in Motherhood
Motherhood can be exhausting, frustrating, and confusing to navigate. If you don’t have any Mom friends it can be even more difficult. I am incredibly lucky to have a group of Mom friends who never judge and only support me in my journey. In turn, I’m always available for a good cry, a glass of wine, or a crazy toddler story.
On the day before Thanksgiving I must say I’m truly thankful for my tribes. I can’t forget the three people I live with, who whether they know it or not are a tribe of their own. My husband and daughters love me unconditionally, bring me immeasurable joy, and remind me to laugh often.
Read more: The Search for Validation
You are so inspiring, supportive and hard working – I truly look up to you and I am so honored to be in your tribe!