Hey ya’ll! I am Ms. BWIT (Baseball Wife In-Training) and I have been honored with the oppurtunity to post on Mrs. Bear’s blog tonight as a guest. “Think Happy Thoughts” is actually the blog that inspired to me to start my own. Mrs. Bear and I are personal friends and although she is over 500 miles away now, we still remain very close. She has taught me a lot of useful things for my blog and planning my wedding.
While he is away for the baseball season this year, I am doing all of the wedding planning, looking for a semi-permanent home for the offseason, and learning how to be a succussful wife(cooking/cleaning/shopping…hehe.) I’m pretty good at shopping and cleaning, but the whole cooking thing doesn’t come so natural…
Stephanie Hartman says
What a cute post Love it! I will be following you on your blog can’t wait to hear about the wedding plans.
Gorgeous photos! Cheers!
I miss you!!! Thanks for keeping my blog alive 🙂 BTW her pics were done by Addilay photography too!
LOVE your pictures!
Love the pictures too! Great job, Ms BWIT!
Great post! I live in Springfield, MO so i occasionally see a st. louis cardinal’s game – actually going to one in september! 🙂 small world 😉
again, loved this post – great photos! 🙂