J & S’s wedding weekend was a success!!! I am sad to be home – so so tired – and so so sore.
I didn’t think it was possible to pull your calf muscles until yesterday morning. Since I haven’t worn high heels in about 3 months – and sported them all weekend long – my poor calves got the workout of their life. I also spent a good 2 hours running around in them setting up for the wedding, and maybe did a couple of dance moves with them on (cha cha slide?) before I tossed them in the corner.
I am already late for work – so I will post pictures tomorrow! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
So glad you had such fun! But oh… I can commiserate about your muscles – I did the same thing at a wedding a couple weeks ago and paid for it the next two days!
Have a good (if achy) day!