Caitlin Houston is 38 weeks pregnant and sharing my symptoms, weight gain, cravings and more. Here is my 38 week bump update.

Sharing my 38 week bump update a little late…here’s why:
Seeing that I am a few days late… I didn’t want to leave this post out (I’ve been writing bump updates for my record keeping too!). I definitely took a bit of a blogging break over the holiday weekend. My in-laws were visiting from Tennessee, so we were pretty busy!
After they left, we spent some time with my other set of in-laws. That means Annabelle had TWO Thanksgiving dinners! We truly had an amazing time with B’s family and closed out our weekend by decorating the most beautiful and BIG Christmas tree we have ever had.
- How far along are you? 38 and a half weeks – 10 days until Annabelle’s expected arrival!
- How I’m feeling: Out of breath – my heart rate has been soaring from the most non-strenuous activities (ex. hanging an ornament on the Christmas tree). Anxious – Every day I wonder, “Is today the day?!” In pain – my feet, lady parts, back, legs – it all hurts.
- Labor Signs: Definitely having random contractions and cramping… all throughout last night.
- Total weight gain: 27 lbs.
- Cool baby facts: She may have about an inch of hair (our 3D u/s showed us some peach fuzz!).
- How big is baby? Annabelle is the size of a pumpkin.
- Sleep: Hmm… what’s sleep? Naps are more like it. I take about 7 a night.
- Maternity Clothes: All I want to do is wear pj pants and large thermal shirts – I rotate the same 3 outfits from Old Navy.
- Best moment this week: Decorating the Christmas tree with B and talking about what it will be like to have her here. Oh and putting Annabelle’s first Christmas ornament on the tree.
- Movement: She is SO low that I feel her move her head in a not-so-pleasant-place. This usually hits some sort of nerve and I get shooting pains down my inner thighs or in my tailbone.
- Food cravings: Just ice.
- Food aversions: Nothing
- Belly button in or out: I didn’t think my belly button was going to pop OUT after it went flat a few weeks ago, but now that she is so low, it sticks out through my shirts.
- What I miss: Shirts that fit over my belly. Even my large thermals are starting to pop out at the bottom, so you can see a little skin. It’s not attractive.
- What I’m looking forward to: Meeting Annabelle!!! Come on Princess Baby – get here already!
- Randoms: Here are some pictures from our Thanksgiving weekend….Clockwise from top left: Thanksgiving Round 2, 38 week photo, walking through the neighborhood after Turkey dinner with my MIL, Picking out our Christmas tree.
looook at that bellly! You look so gorgeous! Cannot wait to see her:)
Thank you!!! I hope she gets her sooner than later!
Thank you Margaret! Our tree is the biggest we have ever had – and I LOVE it! Did you know you can buy real christmas tree smell sticks at Home Depot? You should get some for your fake tree!
Ohhh good idea! I bought a candle…but it doesn’t quite smell the same. I might just get a pine wreath or something too.
Aww you look beautiful friend!!! Can’t wait to meet that nugget!
Ready to pop!
Oh what an exciting time! Sounds like she could arrive any day now 🙂
Beautiful photos, you look amazing.
So close! Yay for Christmas time! I love it too! Totally watched Home Alone while decorating our tree this weekend:) Can’t wait for you to meet your princess Annabelle:)
So cute!! Can’t wait to “meet” her. I bet you guys are just so excited!
You look great girl!! And love the BIG real Christmas tree! We set up our fake one…it’s not TOO bad, but I’ll be so happy to get back to a real tree next year.
Aww, your bump look super cute! Annabelle’s arrival is right around the corner. I know you and your husband are so excited. 🙂