Turning 35 is a big deal, especially since so much has changed since my last big birthday. Today I’m sharing 35 things I’ve learned in 35 years.
I’ve learned a lot in my time so far on this Earth. However, the bulk of my most mind-blowing realizations may have occurred in the last 365 days. Life can change drastically in a split second and I’ve been challenged in ways I could not anticipate. In honor of turning 35, a number that seems intimidating, I’m sharing everything I’ve learned in 35 years.
35 Things I’ve Learned in 35 years
- I always thought ‘basement’ was a favorite smell of mine – but not all basements smell good.
- Tanning beds are the worst invention ever.
- If a pregnancy test reads “ON” it’s upside down… not positive.
- Pizza topped with salad and homemade creamy italian dressing is one of the best combinations ever.
- There is no reason to rush through a holiday, or from one to the next… except New Year’s Eve.
- Always carry a sharp pair of tweezers in your makeup bag because men aren’t the only ones who grow chin hairs.
- You’re never too old to take a dance class.
- You can be too old to take shots at the bar.
- Swinging on the swings at the park is not fun or cute – it just makes you nauseous.
- The reason grass always itches my legs is because I’m actually allergic to four different kinds.
- Lots of people have mice in their homes – including us – and while it isn’t normal, it also doesn’t mean you’re messy. Mice just find their way in.
- Make peace with your past, especially the stuff that hurts.
- Eyebrow pencils should be used responsibly.
- Always triple check the driveway before backing up the car. RIP Scooter.
- Running is not, and will never be, enjoyable if it’s done alone.
- Rap music boosts my mood.
- Christmas music boosts my mood.
- I love cereal but it always gives me a stomachache. So it’s best to stay away from cereal.
- Invest in the following: a good pair of pajamas, slippers, blanket, and a wine glass.
- It’s really hard to be a stomach sleeper if you ever get pregnant or have facial surgery.
- I will never be able to paint my left hand with nail polish.
- I forgive too easily.
- I don’t care which way the toilet paper roll goes on the holder.
- Quarantine for 50+ days is not fun, no matter how you spin it.
- Be kind, but not to everyone. Some people don’t deserve your kindness.
- The only way to get through a difficult time is to focus on what you can control.
- You can’t control everything.
- Starting my day with hot water and lemon does wonders for your body.
- Always wait at least 5 minutes to take a sip of freshly brewed tea or coffee. Then test the temperature with your finger – NEVER GO IN BLIND.
- Form your own opinions about people … and books. Never judge a person, place, or thing by its cover.
- Everyone makes mistakes and asks stupid questions. It’s okay to not know it all.
- Car batteries die easily…. and quickly if you leave your car lights on.
- Think before you speak when you’re giving a command to a toddler. Or your shirt and phone may end up in the toilet.
- Look for crayons in the dirty laundry basket before tossing in the entire load. Crayons ruin everything.
- Also look for chapstick while doing laundry. That stuff doesn’t come out.
LOVED this post and agree with so many of these! The pregnancy test one made me giggle lol! “ON” ahhaha! Christmas music is my faveeee! And grass actually makes me itch a lot too! I always thought it was normal but I remember getting rashes (hives) when I was younger from rolling down hills. Now that I’m older, it makes sense because I’m literally allergic to everything!
Happy birthday, my Internet friend! I love your list and I hope you’ve had a great day. Here’s to a brighter year ahead – sans quarantine.
I have got to know the story behind #33… haha Happy 35th!
happy birthday lady! what a great list of lessons learned. agree that tanning beds are the worst invention ever! soooo wish they would be banned!
xo Laura Leigh
Some of these have me cracking up!! These are sooo good!!
The list is great! so many to relate to…. most curious about the shirt and phone in he toilet!
All of these are such wonderful lessons to learn and live by! There are some things on this list that I am going to add to my own list! I sure hope Scooter wasn’t a neighbor kid! Just kidding! Christmas music always boosts my mood as well!
cute & little
Loved reading this! Some of them had me LOLing.
Happy Birthday! WHat a fun post…love some of these anecdotes, lol. xoxo, Sarah
happy birthday! I always love reading posts like this!
Loved these!
I was actually laughing out loud at some of these. You’ve got a great sense of humor to go along with all the wisdom you’ve gained through your life, and I love that. Because what is life if you don’t get to laugh at it sometimes? Happy birthday!
so many things! I can totally relate. I feel like I have learned so much in my 30s, too! and you have such a sweet little fam.
xx rebecca // thecrystalpress.com/blog
Happy birthday doll! I hope this year is the best year yet for you.
Happy Birthday! Too many laughs reading through these life tips!! So good.
Funny comment about the basements! I grew up in Nw England but live in NC, and my classroom always smells like musty basement. But houses here don’t have them, so no one knew what I meant when I was trying to describe it!