And… well… I can’t show you the rest because I am not done =0) Here is a preview:
The guy at Lowe’s helping me actually asked why I wasn’t having someone take care of my yard for me… I looked at him like he was crazy. If I had the finances to hire a yardener, I wouldn’t have been standing in the outdoor tools section, now would I?
To be honest, I enjoyed every second out there in my front yard… sweat pouring into the soil, haha. My Grandma Mary was known for her gardens… and my parents are known for their gardens… so it is only right that I create something people know me for. I am not saying I’m anywhere near that stage of admiration and recognition … I only hope to be on my way there.
Very nice job! you make Momma proud I know how much work goes into this. Keep up the Yardening 🙂
I can’t wait to have a backyard to take care of. Our front yard came already landscaped and the plants are pretty low maintenance, so there’s not much to do out there but mow the lawn every once in a while.
I love it! Its going to look sooo nice! Can’t wait to see the pics!
We do not do out own landscaping but I am going to have a garden this year, so excited!!!