I did exactly what I said I didn’t want to do… I lounged around all day long. I did write a TON of thank you notes and go to Old Navy w Mr. H to pick up a few things… but I definitely did not do any cleaning, grocery shopping, gift organizing, or dancing. I went to a new class last night that pretty much kicked my booty to next week. I can’t even walk right today. It was called 20/20/20 and featured hip hop, kickboxing, and strength training. Thirty minutes into the class I thought I was going to throw up and pass out. Pa-thet-ic!!
On another note – when we bought our new laptop I never knew that it came with a WEBCAM! Omgosh… It is the most fun I have had with technology in the longest time (sorry iphone you aren’t THAT cool). My sister and I talked on Skype this morning and it was so great to be able to see her considering she lives in CT and I won’t see her again until the wedding. Tonight we talked for 30 minutes while she got ready for a party and I felt like I was right at home, sitting on her bed and helping her pick out an outfit. She was off to a Cowboys and Indians party at her school. Boy do I miss college…
Anyways, I know webcams have been around for-ev-er, but I have never had one. It would have been amazing if we had skype when Mr. H and I first started dating or when I first moved south. I was thinking of posting a little “Hello” video on here so you can all hear my voice…but I don’t know if that is weird or not.
So here is a question for you…Would you all like to see the REAL me??
I was unproductive, too. Sometimes we need one of those days 🙂
Do it!
We would like to hear the real you 🙂
Sometimes it is nice to have an unproductive day… nothing wrong with that! Enjoy your game and beer today!
Thats a cool idea! x
Vlogging is the cool new thing!
I think you should try out the whole Webcam thing 😉
p.s. Im being lazy and unproductive today watching football. ha