First I must say I AM SO SO SORRY that I have been the worst blogfriend ever for not reading your blogs.
As you all know I was out of town last weekend, and this week I have been crazy busy with work and school stuff. I was planning on catching up this morning, but one of my little kiddies had to be picked up from school due to the scariest yuckiest nosebleed I have ever heard of.
So who watched SYTYCD last night?? The Vegas portion of the episode was great – I loved not having to watch the terrible dancers. I usually start watching the show 30 minutes after it has begun so I can fast forward through the dances where people make fools of themselves (or the judges rip apart their routine).
What did you all think of the super skinny curly haired contemporary dancer Nigel called Marge Simpson?
Her name is Nicole Knudsen and I think she is incredible. However… GIRL NEEDS TO EAT A BURGER!
Watch her dance… she is amazing. START at 1:00 Minute.
I loved her routine – so quirky and technical but, Oh my gosh I could not get past her body. Don’t get me wrong, she is totally gorgeous, but when she dances I can’t stop thinking she is a skeleton wearing a weird curly hat. I have so many sad feelings for her. I googled her to see what others were saying and some people think she look normal – toned, muscular, and healthy. What do you think?
I loved her routine – so quirky and technical but, Oh my gosh I could not get past her body. Don’t get me wrong, she is totally gorgeous, but when she dances I can’t stop thinking she is a skeleton wearing a weird curly hat. I have so many sad feelings for her. I googled her to see what others were saying and some people think she look normal – toned, muscular, and healthy. What do you think?
I am only working half a day today because Mr. Bear’s mom and stepdad are coming to visit!! HOORAY!
We are going to the Red Sox v Orioles game tonight and tomorrow night, for they bought Mr. Bear tickets to the games for his birthday. He loooooves the Red Sox.
I hope we have good weather so we can show them around Baltimore before the game. Don’t know if I will be back until Sunday night… so have a GRRRREAT weekend!!
Wow, you have had a TON of family visiting lately!!! Have a fantastic weekend!
I am with ya on the Marge Simpson dancer. Amazing dancer but I thught she may break in half! Love your wedding pic btw! 🙂
i watched i watched! and i agree, amazing but home chicken DEFINATELY needs to polish off a pizza or two, maybe some beers and a piece of cake. daily. for about a week. and i LOVED when they made her put her hair down. she has amazing hair, ESPECIALLY for making her dancing look even more dramatic.
have fun with the family this weekend little bear!
Nicole is TOTALLY anorexic. Notice the yellow hands and feet? Anorexia. I couldn’t appreciate her dancing because she is so skinny and creepy with those discolored appendages. I really hope someone helps that girl.
i totally agree with you! all i could think about while she was dancing was “i hope she doesn’t snap a bone!” which is sad because she’s a beautiful dancer! I always fast forward through the bad ones too…except did you see the Hick Hop girl or the guy who kept saluting on Wednesdays show?! TOO FUNNY!
due to the scariest yuckiest nosebleed I have ever heard of.
hahahaha.. I actually had to go the ER my freshman year in college to get mine to stop after 45 minutes of bleeding in a campus bathroom. So gross.
Yikes, she is so incredibly skinny. She’s a great dancer, but it’s almost painful to watch her she’s so thin! Have a great weekend with your in-laws!
I don’t have cable right now so no t.v. or SYTYCD for me either 🙁
Boo… but I do have to say that I am really excited for you and your weekend!! You guys have been crazy busy!
Enjoy the baseball game!!
haha my husband said the SAME thing about her last night on SYTYCD!
ps- i normally read from reader so I haven’t actually looked at your page in a while and I am LOVING your header pic! so so cute (=
I’m a dancer, and that was beautiful! I would love to be half as good as her! She is very skinny, but you can see the muscle, too. I agree that she could stand to eat a little more, but maybe she’s naturally thin, plus so much exercise??
I tagged you in a post =)
have a good time at the game!!!!