I think about food 24/7 – eating it, cooking it, watching other people cook it, planning how I am going to cook it. I think I have a serious problem…My mom brought up our family vacation to Cape Cod this August and I immediately started listing off all of the things that I want to eat while I am there: fresh mozz, tom, basil, balsamic on a hard roll at the beach; steamed lobster; clam chowder; fresh clams and mussels; the vanilla ice cream with the peanut butter and chocolate lobster candies at the hole in the wall ice cream place in Wellfleet… I think you get my point.
I started recording what I eat using the “Lose It” app on my iPhone yesterday – because my skinny jeans are still a bit snug despite my efforts the past few weeks. I am either eating too much or too little. I think that recording what I eat will help me determine what the heck my problem is. The “Lose It” app has you enter a starting weight and a goal weight, how much you want to lose a week, your age, height, gender, and then spits out a number of calories you need each day to get to your goal. This is what a day looks like… not mine of course, but you get the point. The app takes your daily calorie budget and subtracts what you eat and compensates you for how much you exercise.
My mom is using the Lose It app too so we are “Lose It Friends” and can check each other’s progress. I set an alert on the program so that if I don’t check it daily, the alarm on my phone will go crazy. I am hoping that this works…(by the way I am not being compensated in any way for blogging about this App… I just wanted to share my new toy!)
Do you record what you eat?
If so, do you have a food journal or some sort of application on your phone or computer?
P.S. Did you miss my post about cooking over the weekend? Don’t forget I want you all (if you are interested) to start thinking of some of your favorite dishes or treats that you want to know how to make. I will then either find, or create, an easy to follow recipe to go along with your request. I have a new friend who is going to create an easy contact form on my cooking blog soon, but in the meantime, email me with any of your cooking questions or recipe disasters! —> [email protected]
I was recording for a little bit but I stopped. I think i’m going to get this app though!! yumm I love food too!!!!!
SUPERTROOPERS!!! Love that movie!
This may be a difficult task, but I want to learn how to make cinnamon rolls that don’t involve yeast or soy products. Yeah, I’ve not had a lot of luck, but there’s something to start with? I can’t wait to see what else you come up with!
And as for the eating, I’m the same way. If I go somewhere, there are always a few sights I want to see, but you bet your tushy there are a gazillion places I want to eat at!
Aw I need a IPhone so I can get awesome app like that lol..
I need this ap asap!! Thanks for the find!
Now you’ve made me hungry. I have the “Lose It” app, but i dont use it
cool app! i need something like this for my BB!! and, you had me at lobster.
I seriously need this. I only have success when I write down what I eat. So genious!
I am interested. I don’t know what I want though! I think about food all the time too!
I use the Lose It app on my ipod touch! I love it & have lost just about 10 pounds since the beginning of January with it. It is so much more convenient than tracking my calories on the computer. I just add my meals for the day while I’m on the metro every morning. Done and done.
I have in the past – when I’ve put on a few extra pounds and have wanted to get rid of it – it totally works!
On Monday i just started recording what I’m eating, and seriously exercising again…it’s so hard.
I used to use a food journal but I never remember to write it all down. If I only had an iphone then I could get the lose it app!
Oh and I’m trying to come up with recipe ideas since I can’t cook!!
I downloaded LoseIt a couple of weeks ago, but haven’t really been using it. Maybe this will motivate me to get serious!
Hmmmm…. now I have ANOTHER app that I want when I get my iphone. I think I am in trouble!
Yet another reason for me to get an iPhone… 😉
OMG!! I love looooooove that app! I use it everyday! It works wonders!!
I have been terrible about recording what I eat lately. I think the biggest reason is because I feel too guilty to enter it because I know what I am eating is probably terrible for me but oh so tasty!
When I do record what I eat I use livestrong.com. I LOVE that website because you can record your food intake, exercise, map running/biking routes (I mapped out our neighborhood so that I know exactly how far I run), etc. It is definitely a very user-friendly website!