Today I’m discussing the mind of a one year old. It is interesting how they mimic observed behaviors!
For Annabelle’s first birthday she received not one, but THREE, baby dolls. They are all versions of the Baby Stella Baby Doll. We only took one of the dolls out of its box, so we could save the other two for when the first gets funky. She also has a stroller and accessories for her babies – cupcake, bib, bottle, etc.
Up until recently, she just pushed the baby around in the stroller. She didn’t really interact with it, unless she was pulling it out of the stroller, so she could try to climb in her place. Funny little girl. Then last week I asked her to give her baby a kiss, and she went and gave her baby a kiss.
I told her to give baby a hug. She pulled baby out of the stroller and hugged her, all the while patting her back gently (like I do to her). I gave her the baby bottle and told her to feed her baby. She took the paci out of her mouth and gave her the bottle! It was so wonderful to watch how she did what I asked her to do.
Clearly she was comprehending my commands even though she can’t really communicate with us.
B and I are always amazed at how Annabelle grows and develops so quickly. One minute she is crawling, then next she is running through our kitchen. Her enthusiasm for learning is incredible. She is always pointing to things and “asking” us to tell her what it is. She is like a sponge, soaking up everything new and exciting that she sees or hears.
Prime example of the mind of a one year old
Annabelle learns hand motions to songs quickly! Her baby school teachers have commented on how they’re impressed with her listening skills. Of course this is worrisome since Mommy and Daddy may or may not let a few inappropriate words or saying slip in front of her. We are working on this ….
Every day is an adventure for Annabelle. I think of the saying, “You learn something new everyday” and can’t help but laugh about how almost everything Annabelle learns is new. The whole wide world is her oyster. While I sit here at work, pumping and typing during my break, I am a little sad that I am missing out on what she is experiencing at this exact moment in time. Maybe she is hearing a new word – or perhaps she is learning a song she has never heard – either way – her tiny brain is absorbing information faster than we could ever know.
It is so interesting to see babies learn and grow. I am astounded with everything my 6 month old boy can do already! I’ve also found it very interesting how early maternal instincts appear in little girls!
It’s funny how they pick up different little traits!
I am so looking forward to all of this when I have a little one of my own! I feel like I miss everything being away from my nieces and nephews. 🙁
I haven’t had a chance to read many of my favourite blogs lately and I just popped past to read how you and Annabelle are going and its amazing to see how much she has changed already since I last read a post! She is such a beautiful little girl!!
It makes me more and more clucky every time I read a post about the wonderful new experiences the 3 of you get to go through as she grows up.
Baby Stella is the best doll! Both of my girls got one right before they turned one. I love how soft it is, and that it doesn’t make noise.
Yeahhhh, we’re working on our “words” too, lol. My nephew dropped the f-bomb in the grocery store for the first time, and I have nightmares about Beckett repeating something that (mainly) Josh and (sometimes) I say. The last thing I want is for him to go to church or Grandmommy’s and say something!
The most AMAZING thing about being a parent is experiencing everything through your kids. You get to see the world as they see if for the first time. There have been many incredible moments with my son, but one that stands out is going to Disney World. It really is a magical place and seeing it through his eyes for the first time (he was 8) was so cool. There are so many things adults take for granted, but getting to experience them through your kids puts things in perspective. Enjoy all the little moments. 🙂