one. Colombia.
This is my first year (in 5 years of teaching) that I received gifts from students on the first day of school. I would never expect anyone to bring their teacher something, so I was pleasantly surprised and very grateful. One of my students’ Moms had recently returned from a trip to Colombia so she sent me a bag of Colombian coffee. OMG is it good. I even added a little bit of pumpkin spices to the brew this a.m.. I’ve never had real Colombian coffee and I truly taste a difference. Mmm mm good.
two. fig bars.
One of our new family favorite treats are dairy free, gluten free, cholesterol free FIG BARS! We buy a super box at Costco and snack on them all day. Annabelle loves to eat them on the way to baby school in the a.m.
three. pumpkin muffins.
I had to do it. I needed pumpkin in my life… and I knew my teacher friends needed something to make them smile after the way our school year has been. I’ve made two batches so far and think Annabelle has consumed 1/4 of the mini muffins. Here is a recipe for the easiest pumpkin muffins ever.
four. happy Friday.
five. THIS. Because they’re all true.
25 Basic Things All Girls Do During the Fall.
(P.S. I don’t like how they say “white girls” because I think this pertains to all females. )
I have a self imposed rule about no pumpkin until September, so I’m looking forward to next week to try to make your cakes!! That Buzzfeed article is my life – lol!
What a GREAT gift!! 🙂
What a cool gift! Man… now I know why I didn’t do so great in school… I always waited until the END to bring my gifts. ;P