There’s nothing cuter than the grin of a little girl on her first day of school. The excitement of a fresh start with a new teacher and the possibility of making new friends is all so thrilling. I, like parents across the country, snap photos of my kids at the beginning of the school year to upload to social media. Personally, I like to also print out my daughter Annabelle’s first day of school photos to share with family and friends. My plan is to memorialize all of her first day photos in an album that will allow her to show her own children someday.
Photography by Elizabeth Grant Photography
A unique way to showcase your little one’s big day is by using Polaroid photos to create a postcard to send to your loved ones. All you need is a piece of cardstock, a Polaroid print of the student, some markers, and a postage stamp.
Polaroid Zink photos are the perfect size for a postcard and are easy to print with a Polaroid Zip instant printer.
The handy pocket-sized instant printer connects by Bluetooth to your smartphone via an app that allows you to edit and print 2×3” full-color photos. Any picture you take on your phone or save to your device is easy to print for a craft in just a minute. The photos are bright, fun, and print on a peel-back sticky paper so you can secure it to anything.
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