Today I’m sharing a letter to my daughter Annabelle. From 2 month milestones to your baby favorites, enjoy reading about our daughter, Annabelle, at two months old.
Dear Annabelle,
Your two month birthday has arrived! Daddy and I cannot believe how much you have changed in the past 30 days. You are so much more alert to what’s going on in the world around you – recognizing our faces and voices. You hold our heart in your hands little girl. Speaking of hands- you’ve found yours. Using them to rub your eyes when you are sleepy, to grab my hair while you nurse, and to stick them in your mouth when your binky has fallen out.
You are blowing little bubbles and starting to drool which we hope isn’t a sign of little teeth to come! You’re becoming more vocal everyday – cooing at your Daddy and laughing (still silently) at your Mommy. Sometimes you screech so loud for our attention you scare your furbrother Mcmuffin. He is still unsure what to think of you…even though he finally rubbed your head the other night as a thank you for letting him in from the garage.
You are wearing size 1 diapers, 0-3 month clothes, and some 3 month sleepers. You love to lay on your changing table and kick your legs like you are running a marathon. You hate tummy time, but can hold your head up when you lay on your belly on my chest. You sleep for three hours at a time at night, and are awake for longer during the day, so you can play peek-a-boo and giggle at our funny faces. You love to snuggle when you’re tired, but still fight those zzzs until you’re rocked or shushed to sleep.
We love how you pout and stick out your bottom lip before you cry, even though sometimes we laugh because we know you’re not really upset. You are just practicing your best “Give me what I want” face for your Daddy. No matter how loud your cries are, we will always do anything to dry your tears. Teeny tiny little tears that have started to pool in your big beautiful eyes when you are sad. We promise to always try our best to make you happy our sweet fussy mcfussypants.
Thank you for being the best thing to ever come into our lives Annabelle.
We love you to the moon and back,
Mommy and Daddy
Confessions of a Northern Belle says
OK. She is SO STINKING CUTE! 🙂 Happy 2 months Annabelle!
Confessions of a Northern Belle says
she is so precious. I know she is a joy for the both of you. enjoy it and take lots of pictures.
Confessions of a Northern Belle says
I mean…could she BE any cuter?! Love this Catalyn 🙂
Confessions of a Northern Belle says I love this one 🙂
Confessions of a Northern Belle says