There’s something about Annabelle turning five that I wasn’t prepared for… the thought of her leaving the toddler world and entering the big girl world is too much. I’ve been picturing Annabelle as a two year old, asking 2500 questions in her cute little voice, sometimes speaking her very own silly language. Dancing while she eats scrambled eggs and and giggling as her Daddy chases her around the couch. In the blink of an eye, Annabelle has gone from a tiny baby with no hair to big, beautiful girl with long flowing hair she often asks me to curl.
At five years old, Annabelle is 3′ 7″ (65%) and weighs 36.5 lbs (27%). She grew three inches and gained three pounds since her last physical. Since she was a little baby, she’s always been on the ‘light’ side and drew attention from the pediatrician at her weigh-ins. Thankfully, the pediatrician isn’t concerned since she’s been consistently tall and thin. We weren’t told to force her to eat more, but to make sure she is getting a little bit of all the main food groups. We also changed her multi-vitamin from a gummy to the Flinstone brand, for the chewable are higher in Vitamin D and Iron than gummies.
Annabelle is particular about food, refusing to eat the skin of most fruits and vegetables and picky when it comes to textures.
Favorite Foods
Morningstar Sausage links, hard boiled eggs, pierogies, carrot sticks, apple slices, hummus, meatballs (from Michael’s Trattoria), cheese-less pizza, Christmas cookies, pastina, grilled cheese, chicken noodle soup, sliders (no cheese or tomato)
Favorite Stuff
TV/Movies: PJ Masks, Nailed It, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, Sofia the First
Toys: Baby Alive, Art Supplies, Magnetic Wooden Dolls, soccer ball, her bunnies
Clothing: Anything pink and pretty, tight fitting pants, footie pajamas
In the past year, Annabelle has changed incredibly. From learning to feed Muffin and getting her own water/snacks to teaching herself how to write her whole name and riding a bike with training wheels unassisted, she is so independent. I often find her pushing the step stool to the counter in the kitchen to reach something up high – like paper towels to clean up a mess she made. At the same time, she still relies on Mommy and Daddy for help.
Drawing, painting, playing with dolls, singing/dancing, crafts, cooking in the kitchen, re-enacting movies, hide-and-seek, soccer, princesses, anything to do with fairies and magic, going to the library
Bugs, hot cars, strong smells, cold weather (unless its snowing), water in her eyes
We love Annabelle’s personality – it’s whimsical, magical, inquisitive and spritely. Sometimes Annabelle loves to be the center of attention while others she prefers to hang back in the crowd. In June, Annabelle performed TWO dances in her recital on a ginormous stage without any fear, but during all of her school performances she sings and sways quietly.
Sometimes Annabelle surprises us. Just a few weeks ago, she tore up the dance floor at a town celebration in front of a crowd, and we all watched in awe as she swayed to the music like a grownup. She loves to sing at the top of her lungs at home, making up songs about her dolls, her sister, or silly stuff. She likes to draw and paint; her artistic skills are rapidly developing and she truly enjoys to be creative. Annabelle lives life passionately and to the fullest, never wanting to miss a magical moment.
Annabelle is a nurturer, she loves to help her sister get dressed and to change her cousin, Sloane. Despite her caring heart, if you cross Annabelle she will let it be known. We’ve caught her trying to make her sister mad on purpose!
Annabelle told us she wants to be a Mommy when she grows up and will name her daughter, “Bologna.” She said she will be a baker and a stay at home Mom. For Christmas she received a new Baby Alive doll … named Bolonga.
Annabelle’s sense of humor comes right from her Daddy and we can’t believe some of the things she comes up with! One of our favorite stories is what she said after one of my rants at the end of a long day. As the girls (and Brandon) watched me picking up the playroom I sighed, “I’ve been cleaning all day and I’m tired. Annabelle, the least you could do is clean up your toys.” Annabelle promptly replied, “The least I could do is nothing.” Touche my dear.
Annabelle Claire Houston – you are the exclamation mark in the happiest sentence I could ever write. We love you!
LOVE this update and that smile of hers is precious!!
Aw! Love this! She’s so big. I see posts like this and think my girls will never be this old.
This is so sweet. I’m sure it must be so hard and so wonderful to watch your child grow up.
Chic on the Cheap