One time I searched, "safe cleaning products for toddlers" on Pinterest. Ever since that search, ...
A Perfect Beach Christmas Wedding Shower
What does the beach, Christmas, and wedding have in common? My mom, sisters, best friend, and cousin ...
Pre-Wedding Event #1 = Success
Our Jack n Jill shower was incredible!! We had such an amazing time with our family and family on ...
Back to the matter at hand…
Mr. H and I have been slacking - BIG TIME - on planning our wedding. The only thing we have done in ...
Jack n Jill went up the hill…to celebrate their wedding!
Our Jack n Jill shower is in 2.5 weeks and I am super excited to reveal all the exciting details ...
It worked!
My comment page works. Yay!!! Thanks for helping friends. I don't know what happened, but for a few ...