I have some pretty hilarious family members… my husband, sister, brother, and sister-in-law are without a doubt four of the most funny people I have ever met. When I hang out with them, sometimes all of them at once, I usually spend my time belly laughing and running to the bathroom so I don’t pee my pants.
I can’t compete with their humor though. I don’t even know how to begin – which is why I am usually quiet when I am around them, sans the laughing. Mr. Bear says that I am funny… but I know he says that because he is legally required to say funny things…ANYWAYS….
This is Georgia… aka Cheech… aka Dirty Creature/Crazy Bitch/ Kitty…
Yah she likes to read my blog
No one could get her out of the Christmas tree…
This is her today… in a tree… after she climbed the “cat ladder” my sister in law conveniently placed by the tree she is standing and yelling from…. click to enlarge and see her fangs..
You must read my convo with my sister in law regarding her cat… which is ultimately the reason I don’t need a pet of any sort…
SIL: did you see the cheech up in the fuckin tree? that cat is badass
ME: HAHAHA, yes. Why did she do that?
SIL: the kids had squirt guns and she freaked out and ZOOMED up the tree. she kills me, crying like a baby, stupid cat
hahahahahahaha omg she is crazy
i want one!
SIL: she is a pain in the ass, and everywhere I go it smells like cat piss in this house
ME: wtf, only boy cats do that
SIL: I do not recommend any kind of dirty creature. Who knows what she is doing.
ME: “any kind of dirty creature” I want a friend!
SIL: I know. It’s weird. I caught her pooping in the kitchen tree . She does snuggle at night though and that sort of makes it worth it. Is SYTYCD on at 8?
i can’t wait
she poops in the kitchen tree?
YES. She poops in the tree. Oops gotta go tuck in the little blond haired beast
The “blonde haired beast” is my littlest nephew by the way… who threw such a fit today when he wasn’t allowed to stay with his brother at a birthday party that my sister in law cried the whole ride home. Then he came back, APOLOGIZED to everyone at the party for his tantrum (he is four), and proceeded to do it again on their way out.
Maybe I don’t need kids either….
Oh my goodness that cat look hilarious! The Christmas Tree picture had me cracking up! I love family members that can make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts!
Laughing out loud! Love it! Great start to the weekend 🙂
Why is the cat pooping in the tree? I thought cats only pooped in the litter box?