All good things must come to an end and my summer is officially over this Sunday. Ahhh is it bad that it actually feels good knowing I’m settling back into my working routine next week? Monday I go back to work and Annabelle goes back to baby school.
A part of me is sad to say goodbye to my freedom, but the other part is excited for what this school year has in store for me. I will be teaching third grade in my school’s brand new building alongside one of my closest friends here in Georgia. Annabelle has grown so much over the last two months and I know that she will blossom even more in her new class at baby school. And B – he has been working his butt off this summer! He joined us in Florida and Cape Cod, but there were many adventures he missed. I hope to see his hard work pay off and his business flourish this Fall.
Our trip to Cape Cod was just as wonderful as we had all imagined. We laughed nonstop, ate the most delicious food, and made countless memories. The weather could not have been any better and even though the bugs were pretty gross at night, we had a fire pit in the yard to keep them away. I am so fortunate to have been able to spend a full week in my favorite place with my favorite people. I miss my Connecticut crew SO much already, but knowing we are headed back in September for a long weekend eases the heartache.
I’ve neglected my little blog, but hope you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook this summer. Once I am back to the normal grind of life as a wife, mommy and teacher, my blog posts will be more regularly scheduled.
I can totally understand looking forward to getting back into a work routine. I do miss having something to do every day and REALLY miss my teacher friends. Third grade is great because they are mature-ish but also still sweet. I hope this year is a great one!