Thank gosh I have some cutie patooties in my class or I’d be on the next space shuttle to the moon.
Let’s call one of them… Lil Happy C.
He is not originally from America, and his parents don’t speak English, so he has the most adorable accent. He is also so so smart! Lil Happy C is so cute that he fist pumps and says, “Yah!” every time he does any of the following actions:
enters the room
answers a question
answers a question
gets a sticker
walks to the rug
walks to the door
goes to the bathroom
goes to lunch
gets to color a picture
He is just the happiest little thing I have ever met… he is even smiling when I yell at him for copying the other boys in the classroom (who are usually doing naughty things). I wish I could show you a picture of Lil Happy C in mid-fist pump, but I don’t have permission from the parentals yet for posting pictures of my students.
Hopefully the little guy will help me forget that I MIGHT HAVE PINK EYE… what a thing to wake up to. My kids don’t listen to me as is – now I have to waltz in there in my glasses from 1999 and try to get them to pay attention to me. Fan-tastic.
On a brighter note – it’s Thursday, CHRISTMAS MUSIC is blaring on my Pandora, and I am getting a haircut on Saturday (something to be excited about, right ladies?). Much love to you all out there!
You are so funny! I make myself wait until Oct. 1st to listen to Christmas music. 😉
Is Thursday yoru typica Christmas music day?! I love it! I walked very slowly down the Christmas aisle at Costoc this week! 🙂
I LOVE Pandora!
Yes, a haircut is something to be very excited about! I’m shocked you’re going into school if you think you have pink eye considering it’s HIGHLY contagious… Glad you have such a cutie like Lil C to keep your days bright and happy 🙂
Aww what a happy little man… 🙂
I’ve been singing Christmas carols to myself at work..makes me happy 🙂