Hey guys! I’m Lindsey! I blog over at Follow the Ruels, which chronicles my everyday life, including any baking or craft projects I find myself getting into to, as well as my wedding planning adventures.
Based on all the Facebook and Twitter updates I have seen in the past week, it is Spring Break for a lot of people. Also know as the week that I get really depressed that I am no longer in college.
Growing up in San Diego, I got to see quite a few Spring Break crowds terrorize the city. One year when I was in high school, MTV hosted their Spring Break special in San Diego and I was dying to go and see if I could spot any celebrities.
When I went off to college in Texas, I did not have a hard time convincing any of my friends to take a trip back to California with me for Spring Break.
But it was my Spring Break during my sophomore year that might be the most memorable. No I didn’t go to some beach town and get wasted with all of my friends. I went to the Price Is Right. Yep you heard me. The game show beloved by retirees and apparently college students. And it. Was. Awesome!
We ended up getting a group of kids together, some from California, some not. We had just enough people in our group that we were guaranteed that one member of our group would actually get on the show.
If you have never been to the Price is Right, or any game show for that matter, it might be a little underwhelming. I remember the actual audience being a lot smaller than what it looked like on TV. Also, Bob Barker is REALLY tan.
But let me back up a bit. We had to get the studio pretty early before the show because they need to check IDs and Social Security Cards (if you want to win anything). Also, they pre-interview everyone in the audience. I am pretty sure everyone gets asked the same questions, but it’s how you answer those questions that determines whether you will get picked to be a contestant. Can you tell who from our group got picked?
Yeah, that guy laying in front of the group.
He actually did end up winning something. A bike I think. And every contestant has the option to win the actual gift or the cash value. We told him to take the cash, but he did opt to get the actual item sent to him back in Texas.
Anyways, the moral of the story is that you don’t need to go party it up in Florida or Mexico to have an awesome Spring Break!
What was your best Spring Break experience?
REBrown says
I had no idea that contestants weren’t picked just randomly. My whole life is a lie!
Lisette says
This is awesome! I had no idea they had a method to their madness in picking out contestants. Thanks for sharing!
SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph says
I freaking love The Price is Right!!
Bri Bliss says
My Uncle Tony was on The Price is Right! He definitely fits the mold to get picked & he is too funny to watch on the tape. We’ve all seen it a hundred times but it never gets old. The living room set in their house is actually what he won on the show.
Amy Shaughnessy says
That is so awesome! That is a spring break you will never forget.
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