Stop by to read my Friday Favorites, a weekly installment sharing everything I am loving for children for cold weather fashion and accessories.
Today’s high is 39… tomorrow’s high is 39… welcome to New England! I ran out to buy Ailey a proper winter coat on Wednesday (thanks for the recommendations!) Old Navy is having a sale on their cold weather necessities for littles… everything is under $20. I’ve compiled all of my favorites for cold weather for little boys and girls – especially Ailey’s fleece head wrap from Beloved Arrows. Use code NBELLE20 for 20% off your order. Check them out!
Ailey’s Cold Weather Picks
Cold Weather Picks for Boys
Annabelle’s Cold Weather Picks
Annabelle’s coat from Lands End hasn’t arrived yet, but she is VERY excited to have a pink squall parka for the cold weather.
ADORABLE winter coat & little girl! I feel ya on the cold weather–in the twenties here yesterday. I’m already over it! Have a great weekend!