My brother, sister in law, and two nephews were driving home to Connecticut from Disney World on Saturday and stopped in to spend the night with us. This was the first time they’ve been to our house, and the first time that we all hung out just the 7 of us. Not that I don’t love when my whole family gets together, but this was NEW and exciting and fun. It was also depressing… I realized when they drove away Sunday morning that we may never get to do this again.
Living 900 miles away from my family in Connecticut is so hard sometimes. We only see each other a handful of times a year and it’s visits like this one that make it sting. We had the best time together – laughing almost nonstop. I wish we could have dinner together once a week, instead of once every four months.
My nephews are obsessed with Annabelle and it SUCKS that they don’t get to play together all the time. I grew up playing with my cousins on a daily basis. We were always at one another’s house, and often had sleepovers on the weekends. It makes me so sad that poor little Finn, Ian, and Annabelle will probably never have this opportunity that I was so fortunate to have.
But that’s life. We made the decision to live in Georgia – where we are fortunate to have an amazing new house and fantastic jobs. Granted my family is a plane ride away – and half of B’s family is a 4 hour drive away – we are blessed to have B’s other half in the next town over.
I truly believe that the distance between my little family in Georgia and my big family in Connecticut is just a number of miles. When we are together – we make the best of every second we have. I feel our gatherings are more memorable than they would ever be if we saw each other once a week. For this, I am grateful.
Do you live in the same state as your family?
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