Our third daughter, Arbor, is three months old (plus a week or two). Today I’m sharing her three month old stats with 15 week old traits, likes and dislikes, and more!
Arbor’s Three Month Old Stats
Weight – 14lbs 3oz
Height – At least 24 inches (we haven’t measured)
Arbor is wearing 3 and 6 month clothing – it depends on the brand. She is in size 6 month booties. We are moving her to size 2 diapers this week. See how Arbor’s size compares to Ailey three months old and Annabelle three months old.
Sleep: Arbor is sleeping in her crib for all naps and at least 1/2 of the night! She loves the routine of getting into her Love to Dream swaddle, turning on the Hatch sound machine, and rocking before she goes to sleep.
Her current nap/sleep schedule is pretty consistent. Arbor becomes tired for a nap every 1 1/2 to 2 hours and will let you know by rubbing her eyes or screeching. She takes her first nap exactly one hour after she wakes each morning and sleeps for at least 30 minutes. Arbor rarely sleeps more than 30 minutes at a time during the day – if we are lucky she sleeps longer while walking in her stroller or driving in the car.
BIG NEWS: Arbor HAS HER FIRST TOOTH. After Arbor recovered from her first ear infection and continued gnawing at her hands and drooling, I decided to look inside her mouth. Lo and behold, there was a tiny tooth poking through her gums on the bottom of her mouth. We are pretty shocked by a tooth at 3 months old since her big sisters didn’t have signs of any teeth until 8 months old.
14-16 Week Old Traits
Arbor can smile, roll from belly to back, and roll from back to side. She laughed for the FIRST time on March 16th after tubby time. She seems to think my topknot is rather silly and if I dip it down near her face she laughs and laughs. She is VERY chatty and loves to have conversations with everyone.
Arbor’s favorite things to do: She LOVES this playmat and has started showing interest in toys (especially what she can put in her mouth). We bought this and this, but needs more teething toys. She started leaning forward in the swing, so we had to retire the toy and put it in storage. She leans forward in the car seat too, often getting annoyed she is strapped in. She loves to stand or sit in her bouncer. We are thinking of getting her something like this for Easter.
Another position she loves to be in: reclined, holding her hands together (especially during a bath).
More Likes and Dislikes at Three Months Old
Likes: Chatting with her sisters, bouncing in the Baby Bjorn, pulling hair, chewing her fists, folding her hands, tubby time with a wash cloth on her hand, the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song, watching Mickey Mouse and basketball (with Daddy)
Dislikes: Riding in the car if she is tired or hungry, wearing a hat or a hooded shirt, drinking out of a bottle (she liked it last month but has since decided she does not)
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