I love documenting Arbor’s, our third daughter, development and milestones. Here is everything you want to know about Arbor at 24 months old. We can’t believe Arbor is two years old today!
Today is Arbor’s 2nd birthday and I’m feeling all the feels. Wasn’t it just yesterday we were going to the hospital in labor? Arbor is the greatest addition to our family (and the world!). Here is the story behind Arbor’s name in case you didn’t know where it originated.
Arbor – 24 Months Old Stats
Height: 2 ft 10 in (98th percentile)
Weight: 29.5 lbs (73rd percentile)
Diapers: Size 4 Pampers Swaddlers
Shoes: Size 6/7
Clothes: Arbor wears 2T and sometimes 3T if it runs small
Teeth: Arbor has 16 teeth (one chipped in the front from a tumble this summer)
All About Our 24 Month Old
Our 24 month old is not a baby anymore – Arbor is a TODDLER! On one hand I cannot believe she is officially in the toddler stage. But on the other hand, it feels like she has been a toddler for awhile. Arbor is taller than most babies her age and talks nonstop. Sometimes she feels like a tiny friend we can have full conversations with. Other times she yells and cries at us without any explanation. Despite her toddler status, Arbor will always be our baby (which she also refers to herself in third person).
She makes an impression on everyone she encounters – especially when she is wearing pigtails. Arbor is silly and quite funny; she’s expressive and her facial expressions are always changing with her mood.
Arbor is a curious and inquisitive two year old. She asks: “What’s that noise?” “What’s that sound?” “What’s that?” multiple times a day. Once she learns what something is, Arbor will proudly announce it or point it out whenever it’s seen. She remembers all of her findings and loves to share them with her family. “The moon!”
Annabelle and Ailey are Arbor’s best buddies. She looks at Annabelle as a motherly figure, often asking, “Abis pick her up.” Annabelle is a very helpful big sister with nurturing characteristics and a developing sense of responsibility. She can give her a bath and change her diapers. Ailey is Arbor’s favorite playmate and giggle partner. She makes blanket forts for Arbor, sets up their dolls and figurines, and likes to read her books. Arbor calls her “Aila” and will grab her hand when she wants to go on an adventure.
24 Month Old Behavior
Miss Precocious is also Miss Independent. Arbor will politely ask for help when needed too: “Help me please.” Arbor likes to put on her shoes and will bring you her coat when she wants to go outside (or to the store to buy cold ice cream). She can walk down the stairs holding the railing and also slide down stairs on her bottom or belly. Arbor enjoys opening the snack cabinet doors loudly and perusing the shelf. Once she finds what she wants, she will grab a bowl and fill it with the snack of her choice. This is obviously problematic because she wants to eat all-day-long. Thankfully, she cannot open the fridge or freezer to access more food… yet.
Tantrums – We have entered a new era of tantrums with Arbor. Mostly, Arbor will have small fits when she doesn’t get what she wants and can be easily distracted with something new. But once in a while, Arbor throws such a long angry tantrum that we have to set her in a safe space and walk away. Brandon and I think most of these moments have been when she wasn’t feeling well. But she also has two big sisters who showed us some big tantrums around this age. So we will just have to wait and see how the next few months play out!
Separation Anxiety – It’s normal for 24 month olds to have separation anxiety. Arbor becomes very sad when someone she loves walks out the front door. However, she understands when Daddy goes to the gym or Mommy goes to yoga, or when her sisters go to school/dance, we ALWAYS come back.
Arbor’s 24 Month Old Milestones
Developmental milestones are tricky because not every baby hits the them at the same time. With that being said, I have always viewed my child’s development on a broad scale. If other toddlers are doing things she is not doing, and the pediatrician says we are on track – I’m not worried!
Arbor is a lovely little two year old with all the regular behaviors and emotions (big and small!). She notices when others are sad or excited, often emulating the emotions herself (especially the sad ones!). If her big sisters cry, she joins in. If someone gets hurt, she runs to their side with worry. Arbor also looks at faces for reactions in situations (which is so cute).
Our 24 month old likes to use buttons/switches and can open most containers (like a sneaky trash raccoon). She LOVES to play pretend with the American Girl kitchen, her playhouse kitchen, and our own kitchen tools. Arbor likes to put food on a plate for her baby doll and also put the babies to sleep on the AG bunk beds.
Arbor is not ready for potty training … yet. She likes to sit on the big girl potty every so often, but I am not pushing a toddler toilet for a few more months.
Arbor’s 24 Month Old Favorites
Favorite Foods: Fruit snacks, “No-No” (donuts), “Cold aki” (popsicles), “bowl of milk” (cereal), scrambled eggs with ketchup, jello, pouch, “ice cold juice,” “sauce” (sausage), egg bites, buttered toast, “peedos” (cheetos), pastina, banana
Favorite Books: Duck and Goose books, board books, pretty much every book we read
Favorite Songs: “Hang on Sloopy,” “Shake it Off,” “Santa Clause is Coming to Town,” “Country Roads Take Me Home,” and so many more. Arbor can sing every song on Cocomelon (and does all day long).
Favorite Things to Do: Sit on the doll bunk beds to look outside at her blow-up Christmas toys, find the garbage man, play outside, go for walks, push baby carriage on the sidewalk, look for the elves every morning, dance in the kitchen, down-dog yoga, give hugs, read books (and take them off the shelves), imaginary play with her stuffies or figurines, swim in the bathtub, go shopping
Things Arbor Does Not Like at 24 Months Old
Foods she does NOT like: anything creamy or cheesy or with sauce
Things she does NOT like to do: go to the doctor’s office, be told NO, get out of the bathtub
Read more about Arbor: The Prelude to Arbor’s Birth Story, Arbor’s Birth Story Part 1, Arbor’s Birth Story Part 2, Arbor ONE YEAR OLD
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