Ailey Leighton is officially eight months old. Ohh little choochamoocha, every day you just get more adorable. You are slowly turning into a little person, especially now that you’re crawling. The tiny tooth you have (and love to use on me while nursing) makes you even cuter, which we didn’t think was possible. At a little less than 19 lbs and 29.5 inches long, you’re wearing 6-9 month clothing, size 3 diapers, and size 1 shoes. If you could, you’d probably never wear clothes; you also prefer to go bow-less and often wear it around your neck as a bowtie if you can get it over your ears.
Since you learned how to get around, you often follow after Momma babbling or crying for her to pick you up. I will never be alone again. This week you enthusiastically crawled to Daddy when he walked in from work and it was the most precious act of love. Annabelle likes to crawl beside you sometimes and show you how to crawl under things. You are SO curious, more than your big sister ever was as a little one. We think that you’ve been casing the joint while you were stationary, noting all of the naughty things you could get into. You will be the infant that has to be watched 24/7 and the reason we baby proof our house.
Ailey can feed herself puffs and pouches. She loves to eat and will pretty much devour anything she can get her hands on.
Ailey danced before she crawled, but crawled a week after she turned 8 months old. She’s trying to pull up and loves to do the downward dog yoga pose. Will she walk before 1 year?
Has one tooth, maybe more on the way, and quite a bit of hair. Almost enough to wear a bow clip.
Very strong willed and focused on what she wants. Known to beat her chest like a little King Kong when she wants something or is angry you’ve taken her toy.
Can clap (usually excitedly after she crawls to a toy she isn’t supposed to have) and possibly wave.
Really really loves Muffin, wants to touch him but is often hesitant.
Favorite toys: Annabelle’s Doctor kit – you love to crawl around with a stethoscope, giving the couches checkups. Singing picnic basket from Noni and Grampy. Anything that rattles, shakes, or makes noise. Most things you’re not supposed to play with.
Sounds like she says, “Hey,” babbles “Dada” and just might be yelling “Mama” in the middle of the night, but we aren’t sure. She still hates sleep for the record – but we get a few 4-6 hour stretches every once in awhile.
Tayler Morrell says
She is so adorable!