How far along: 19 weeks 3 days
Gender: I thought we had a name for our little girl – but we are back to negotiations.
Baby Size: “Is about 5 1/2 to six inches long and weighs around 7 ounces. Although your baby will weigh more than 15 times its current weight by the time it is born, the rapid-fire growth portion of pregnancy is over. Thus, I have nothing else interesting to say up here. Baby is fully assembled; just needs some fattening up and lengthening out.” – Gotta love Alpha Mom
Total weight gain: Guessing I’m up to about 10lbs now. The dreaded weigh-in is on Thursday.
Clothes: Thank goodness for Old Navy bodycon dresses and compression leggings. Everything else sucks.
Movement: Is it possible she lives in my left ovary? She only moves when I drink cold water – other than that, baby must be too small to feel!
Sleep: Now that Snoogle has entered my bed, sleeping is MUCH more comfortable. Although, whenever Annabelle gets in bed with us and insists on sleeping on my “boobies” and gets in the Snoogle’s comfortable little hook of a pillow.
Cravings/Aversions: Other than my strong desire for pirogies with sauerkraut, my cravings have subsided. In their place is a messed up taste bud system. Some things I have always loved now just taste disgusting! In regards to my aversions – I was able to eat some shrimp the other night – which means that my seafood aversion is mostly gone.
19 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
MY ACHING BACK! I found out on Saturday at the Prenatal Chiropractor that my Sacral Bone was tilted the wrong way, my pelvis needed to be realigned, three vertebrates were twisted, and my neck was also crooked. This explains why I can barely stand by the end of each day! I am headed back on Wednesday and will continue to see Dr. Marchman a few times a week until things are straightened out. Thirst that cannot be quenched. I can’t get enough water. Super smelling powers. I can smell a lit candle from 2 miles away.
Exercise: I’ve upped my Flywheel game to three times a week. Lots of stretching. As a result – I’m finally noticing some muscle definition in my legs for the first time in two years!
Pregnancy Mood: Whoever strapped me into the emotional roller coaster with the steel bars that I can’t open should be slapped.
Did you miss my last pregnancy update?
Miss Anything: Life before the varicose vein near my lady parts and my hip/back pain from pregnancy.
Best Moment this week: Feeling little girl kick from the outside after Easter Supper while sitting around the table with the family. I may have been the only person to feel her and it might have only been once, but that little tap was incredible.
Looking forward to: We have our anatomy scan on Thursday and I can’t wait to see little girl on the big screen. Prayers that everything goes as it should.
Want to read about my first pregnancy? Here is 19 weeks pregnant with Annabelle.
The snoogle is a game changer!
You look stunning! 🙂 Feeling the baby kick sounds really magical. 🙂 I can’t wait to experience all these things. Thank you for sharing your experience!
You’re almost halfway there!! How exciting 🙂 Good luck on the anatomy scan.
Edye // Gracefulcoffee
You look too cute (I have those same sandals!). Are doctors really worried about how much weight you gain? I’ve heard that that’s how it is in the states but here it’s not at all so it makes me curious! Yes to body con dresses that show the baby belly off. I’m so happy you felt a kick!! Perfect Easter surprise.