How far along are you? 19 weeks
How I’m feeling: What happened to those nights where I slept like a baby?! They are gone… and I fear they aren’t coming back. I’m averaging 4-5 hours of sleep a night – which is a far cry from my usual 9 hours. My SIL says its my body getting ready for everything and I should take as many naps as possible, but naps aren’t happening. I lay there and think…
Total weight gain: I knew I gained weight before I went to the beach, but didn’t want to get on a scale. However, while I was away for a week, I am pretty sure I lost some. I am around 7lbs total.
Cool baby facts: Baby girl’s 5 senses are developing this week – nerve cells are forming in her brain!
How big is baby? Mango anyone?
Sleep: It doesn’t happen at night… so we are adding naps to the daily routine.
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new to add to the closet. I live in dresses!
Best moment this week: Finalizing a date for Baby Girl’s first shower in Connecticut.
Movement: Is it gas or the baby? Who really knows…
Food cravings: Bagels from Panera. Rice Krispie treats. Apple pie.
Food aversions: Steamed vegetables.
Belly button in or out: It looks wider… and mushy.
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly
What I’m looking forward to: Our doctor’s appointment on July 22nd.
Randoms: My acne is starting to clear up. Have you ever heard of restless leg syndrome? Yah, I have… because I have it. My poor legs keep cramping and aching! I bought a Boppy pillow to help me sleep… Ill be blogging about it soon!
Kristina says
I have craved bagels like a crazy lady.
Kiki says
AWw i loved this post! i love that you know exactly how your babygirl is growing! mmm panera sounds so yummy!
Hillary Fay @ A Whole Awful Lot says
I’ve never been pregnant, so I can’t attest to this…but my previous pastor’s wife SWEARS by the fact that if you put a bar of soap at the foot of your bed, underneath the fitted mattress that your leg cramps will go away… Old wives tale, maybe…but she says it works for her!!!
Hilary Smith says
so cute π I craved hot dogs and queso when I was pregnant.
Avery says
I am 16 weeks tomorrow and so glad to know I am not the only one losing sleep. I didn’t think that would show up this early but I haven’t slept through the night in a little under a week. I actually woke up a few nights ago (three different times) from being kicked! So much fun and I am doing what your sister said, napping as often as I can because soon enough sleep will be a thing of the past!
Blogger Ash says
Congratulations! You are still so tiny!
Patricia says
I really love these bump updates. My husband and I have a to-do list before we want to have kids and one of those things is get more educated about pregnancy, so I always find these little updates really insightful.
LWLH says
Hope you can get some more sleep love. )
thefussybritches says
Congrats! My husband has restless leg syndrome. It drives him crazy. The only thing that really helps him is stretching, hitting/punching his leg muscles, and running (not ideal in the middle of the night). Still, he says nothing works all that great, but any of those three help.
Carrie says
Oh gosh, your bump is still so tiny! Mine popped out at about 18 weeks and is not slowing down!