Enjoy my bump update at 18 weeks pregnant.
How far along: 18 weeks 4 days
Gender: And we might just have a name for our little lady…
Total weight gain: My last appointment confirmed I was up 8lbs this pregnancy, but I swear my hips have grown a layer around them in the last week.
Clothes: My favorite outfit is maternity skinny pants, a tight shirt, and a cardigan. I don’t like how anything that is baggy makes me look fat. While visiting my family in CT for my sister’s wedding shower someone said: “You don’t look 18 weeks pregnant… unless you know what you looked like beforehand. Otherwise, it just kind of like you’re a chubby girl.”
Sleep: If I could just sleep past 5am on the weekends that would be great.
Cravings/Aversions: I pretty much can and want to eat everything I see lately. Hence my eight pound weight gain in one month.
Symptoms: At 18 weeks pregnant, my tailbone/lower back pain is driving me insane, so I just need to find a prenatal chiropractor. The vaginal varicose vein issue is getting worse – I read that the chiropractor could actually help since mine could be so horrible due to pelvic alignment issues.
Exercise: Flywheel all the way! Lots of stretching every day and tiny exercises whenever I remember (plies, push-ups, etc).
Mood: I am the epitome of pregnancy hormones – crying over nothing and snapping at strangers.
Did you miss my 17 week bump update?
Miss Anything: Not gonna lie – I miss being comfortable in a pair of underwear! Any suggestions on some stretchy undies that don’t cut into my hips?
Best Moment this week: FEELING BABY GIRL! On my 18 week bump date exactly, teeny baby girl H made her presence known when I laid down to get my eyebrows waxed.
Looking forward to: Finding some compressions leggings/tights that I can wear daily. Buying more clothes that I am comfortable in. EASTER CANDY.
Lisa says
You look great!!! I hated the “pregnant or fat” stage but honestly I think you look like you’re obviously pregnant – it’s all in your belly!
Jessica says
Do you have a hot water bottle?? You should get one.. I recently had some major tailbone pain and I’d fill it with hot water and lay on it or sit on it and that helped so much!!!! You look adorable!
Edye says
So exciting that your feeling your little girl move. Also, congrats on picking out a name 🙂 So many exciting pregnancy milestones, YAYYY. Have a great day!
Edye // Gracefulcoffee
Courtney {Alkeks Abroad} says
Amen to the looking more chubby than pregnant, the killer back pain and not being able to sleep in. Congrats on a name, it’s so hard!!